A car has just become dead to you! And that’s the end game you are not ready to come in terms with after realizing your car has aged.
Although, it might not function as a car again but it still got some usefulness you can make from it. Brainstorming ideas on what to do with your car after it might have experienced a major accident should set in.
So, you can go get something done about those “antique” of a car hanging around your compound by…
Taking Advantage of Replacement by Insurance
There are excellent insurance cover that are dedicated to fulfilling the replacement of your dead car to a new one. The basic thing you do need from your end is just being lucky to hook up with the right one at the right time. Bet you got insured when that car was lively, right?!. It would be much more helpful when you go to these unconventional sources of information like a forum, group discussion, Q&A site to know how to get the best deal from your insurer.
Scraping it Out
Do some digging around to see how recycling industry gives painstaking importance to scrap resources —the major raw material needed to sustain their businesses. The booming industry catering for this, it gives you a great opportunity to easily sell your car as scrap.
Auctioning it part by part
You’d be amazed to find out that some stuff becomes more valuable when they are limited, rare, outdated, or having a precious part. Why not make your own research to know if your car falls into this category? The good thing about auctioning cars is that you can get it sold in a whole or auction it bit by bit.
Transform it
Are you an inventor or creative genius? Then allow your ingenuity to mold reality. Take your time to research the project that will best fit with the car you intend to convert. While your goal is to make something unique out of it, you should also ensure you project an asset value to it because you are going on a financial consuming, time gulping, and energy-absorbing trip. Rebuilding your car to something unique for sale is a project worth embarking on.
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