It is understood that it is quite a challenge to actually find a coach who can mentor you here in Nigeria due to many reasons those in developed countries don’t face. These challenging reasons stem from difficulty in sieving out successful ones from hundreds of fake ones posing as an authority, failure rates that have been largely contributed by economic instability, and many other reasons.
… So having realized the hurdle ahead, we had to search, qualify, and recommend the top 6-8 figures high-income coach fit for mentoring a mentee (or student) based on the following puzzling questions.
What is high income skill?
In summary, the experience or technical know-how you can leverage to make you earn as much as above the average consistently is classed as high income skill.
5 evergreen high income skills on our watch list
1. Public Speaking
Public speaking involves the capacity to use your oratory organ to voice out your mind to many people at any given opportunity. It’s a craft you can always horn and take to the bank irrespective of the industry you found yourself in. It is also important to bring it here, less we forget that MC and comedian are other genres of public speaking.

2. Sales, Closing, Deal Making
The psychology of selling is the driver that makes any business grow. The existence of an enterprise is directly linked to sales and how well they can make deals happen. The experts in this area are the rainmaker of any venture. Hence, the need to prioritize this department.
3. Administrative Skills
Being able to bring people together, manage them to output value requires a level of leadership skill. Now when it comes to becoming a business leader it requires a set of a business coach to take you farther just as in the case of aiming to become a political force to reckon with. One of the most specialized areas this has evolved is in project management.
4. Creative Skills
For creative content to be in a perfect mix, you need 98% creativity, idea 1% other skill should be 1%… if you can prime your creative skill to that level, then the sky won’t be your limit.
Creativity is evolving with time, and as such the relevance of any skillset within this framework may become obsolete over time. Notwithstanding, this has always been and will continue to influence our economy no matter the trend or civilization adopted. Currently, these are the latest creative skill we found earning well, and they can be learned from an expert…They include video animation, fashion designing, shoe cobbling, inventor, and coding.
5. Content Writing and Editing
Individuals that have developed their writing skills are found useful in brand storytelling, proofreading for grammatical errors, translating, and copywriting (the most lucrative of them all)
As for copywriting, you can develop yourself in a specific niche, and you are good to earn as much.
Also recommended: 9 latest trending high income skills
What criteria are used for vetting someone as high income skill coach?
If you are earning as much as 6-9 figures monthly based on your set of skills and experience, then you have scaled the first criteria, now this qualifies you as an earner. Now to scale the second phase, you have to be recognized as an authority that has successfully coached or mentored people on your type of niche, and they are now doing well for themselves.
We also find it interesting to mention here that most of these experts have successfully mastered the craft of leveraging one or more of these Most efficient high income tools to generate massive wealth.
What is the economical value of high income skills?
In reality, having these unique skills has really helped small businesses or startups to scale their operation, by adding value to the bigger enterprises. This has also been helpful when it comes to issues of the “the rich are getting richer while the poor are getting poorer” in such a scenario, it has been the small window our natural balance has come with to disrupt wealth equation and redistribute it to the rich (again) and the poor ( as well) so as to break the barrier needed to be gainfully employed within a country or in a foreign one.
Can high income skills mentors be found in Lagos or Nigeria generally?
Yes! this set of individuals are in abound. However, you just need to be able to set up an excellent litmus test that can detect and filter out none performers from the well-performing and the established ones.
How much do they charge as a coaching fee?
The price rate of a niche to another niche will vary. And to clarify this, if you happen to find yourself in the enclose of a coach doing low ticket training, this does not imply that the coach isn’t earning as much from his/her expertise. Likewise, there are scenarios that coaches may decide to slash their class fee just to accommodate and help more students as much as possible to make them stand on their feet and move to the higher level of the ladder.
The bottom line is that they may charge as low as $100.
What duration will one take to be groomed in these skills?
On the average, 4 weeks, you can become up and running in any of these choosing skill that relates to a higher revenue stream. While in some cases, it may take a maximum of 1 year. This can be so when taking into account these factors such as the area of interest or the niche, the duration the coach agrees to stick with you until you start seeing result (not everyone of them may commit to such fulfillment if they discovered your low level of commitment)
Are you guys ( affiliated with them?
We say that with a resounding… Yes! And to clarify something pretty quick. One of the major reasons we are affiliated with them is because we have greatly benefited from their wealth of experience. So, in short, there is no need for us to be greedy by not sharing these experts with others.
Is location any form of barrier in accessing the skills of these mentors?
Not really! as the case may be now which is largely due to advancement in interconnectivity. You can make a video call and chat with them right from the comfort of your home if you consider your distance in meeting them to have a one-on-one deep conversation.
Although, based on experience, the best way to get results is to have them meet you. It may not be often or it may just be twice throughout the coaching session.
How do I get across to them?
It’s pretty easy. And you can also get their free bonus strategy copies that have been helpful when you need to get first-hand experience with their skills
… Just select any area of your interest and download.
Or could it possibly be that you are having a second thought on making that much for now…?
[smiles] …It is OK,
as it is well understood that everyone at one point does have a limiting belief that makes them live in the average.
Notwithstanding, you can start your journey to move away from the average zone by finding yourself in the company of experts.