The present reality about cars we drive is that they contribute to the global green house warming. Though, they may not have a direct impact on humans as before (thanks to the advancement in automotive technology)… but in the nearest future, it has been proven to become a boomeranging catastrophe in the waiting… and this is all due to the fact the resulting combustion of gasoline and diesel in any engine leads to the release of CO2 gas which has been on the rise.
If every car owner can partake in collective social responsibility, we will be a step closer to help reduce the carbon footprint and other hazardous chemicals much faster than we thought.
So, by going way forward, adopting the followings approach might actually yield something positive.
Recycling of dead batteries
Car batteries are occasionally changed from time to time when they become dead. But the question here is: are they taken care of properly when they run down permanently?
A car that fails to start by entering ignition is most likely due to a dead battery. When this occurs, you get to replace the dead battery with a new one … You are left with a dead battery lying around. And this could come to a situation where it litters the environment with the lead that is so poisonous to the biotic organism in their environment if they are not properly handled…
To avoid a situation like this from happening, you can actually take them to auto or battery recycling center. They are the best place to dispose of the dead batteries and worry less about being guilty of contributing to the environment decay in the state you live in. The good news about all battery recycling centers is that you will always get some change off those batteries at their office.
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Recycling the engine oil drained out of a car
It is standard practice in scheduled car maintenance for one to check a car engine for engine oil depletion and changes in the fluid viscosity.
The condition that can be physically noticed about the fluid will determine if it needs to be drained out or topped. If it has become less viscous or black in color, that is a strong indication that it needs to be drained out by taking it to an oil lube center and replenishing it with a newer oil that has the recommended oil grading.
In most cases, an oil change is due after every 3 months for all cars that are often on road. When the non-viscous black engine oil is drained out and left to litter the immediate surrounding, it can become harmful to aquatic life because it could clog the drainage system and eventually end up in the seas and ocean.
In any case, should you consider disposing of drained oil, these are the interesting fact you should know be aware of. The oil drained out from a car engine can be effectively recycled and become as valuable as when new. It also contains traces of metallic remnants that can be extracted before recycling the engine oil for reuse.
Testing and fixing engine combustion issue
New cars below 5 years of age on usage dashboard may not require any form of a test as regards engine combustion even when there is an issue with the plug that needs replacing. At that rate, the combustion should not be an issue.
However, after 6 years of continuous use of most cars, all car owners are advised to check the IC level of the engine to know what and what escapes out the exhaust of a car. This is usually achieved with a set of diagnostic instruments. Engine test that turns out poor will suggest an engine that needs to be rectified or changed so as to meet standard combustion ratings approved to be safe for the environment.
With car engine becoming more hazardous at a very specific lifetime, it should be noteworthy that this is what has led authorities to enact laws guiding the kind of engine that should be made or banned altogether and as well as the rules on the duration one can keep a car before due for car recycling.
As at this moment, BS4 engines are now being frowned against and outlawed in Europe and some parts of America. The BS6 combustion engine is now the standard approved all over the world.
Taking more people in your car
Mother Nature requires you to be frugal when it is important to do so.
There are usually 4 unoccupied spaces in a 5 seat car. And this is the case for 7 out of 10 cars you see on the street. The above statistic helps paint the picture at what rate we can achieve in preventing CO2 from being released from cars across the planet earth.
So, the bottom line is:
When you give a ride to someone that owns a car, you are indirectly and actively reducing the carbon footprint.
Use environmentally friendly bio-wash to clean your car
A major contributor to environmental disruption is the constant use of unsafe detergent to wash your car. While it is well known that these detergents are not good on your car, they can also be a threat to the life of marine animals when they enter their habitat.
The use of friendly detergent on your car that has wax and wash formulation is biodegradable. They should be prioritized over non-car friendly washing shampoos or detergents any day.
Appropriate disposal of parts no longer of use
Cars are made of a variety of components, whereby each component consists of a different range of chemical composition. And some of these chemicals are not ideal to be released to the ecosystem.
It is well noted that once in a while, some car parts can become useless and have to be discarded. Likewise, it is given that cars owner usually have more tendency to dispose of trash at an undesignated trash collection point. Disposing trash indiscriminately can turn out to be a subconscious habit. But taking responsibility will go a long way to make things right.
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